image of Bertolt Brecht

Bertolt Brecht

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The Days of the Commune is a play by the twentieth-century German dramatist Bertolt Brecht. It dramatises the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. The play is an adaptation of the 1937 play The Defeat by the Norwegian poet and dramatist Nordahl Grieg. Brecht's collaborator Margarete Steffin translated the play …

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Three plays deal with a good-hearted prostitute, a war survivor, and life in Nazi Germany

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Bertolt Brecht Translated by George Tabori Drama Characters: 30 male, 5 female Brecht's shudderingly accurate parallel between Hitler and his henchmen on the one hand and the old crime lords of Chicago on the other is a vigorous eye opener that was produced on Broadway with Christopher Plummer. The Cauliflower …