image of Luigi Pirandello

Luigi Pirandello

... Unknown

Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore és l'obra de teatre més famosa de Luigi Pirandello. Fou representada per primer cop el 9 de maig de 1921 al Teatro Valle de Roma, però en aquella ocasió tingué una rebuda tronada, ja que molts espectadors varen reaccionar-hi amb crits de "Manicomio! Manicomio!". Fou determinant per al …

... Unknown

One, No One and One Hundred Thousand is a 1926 novel by the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello. The novel had a rather long and difficult period of gestation. Pirandello began writing it in 1909. In an autobiographical letter, published in 1924, the author refers to this work as the "...bitterest of all, profoundly …

... Unknown

Mattia Pascal endures a life of drudgery in a provincial town. Then, providentially, he discovers that he has been declared dead. Realizing he has a chance to start over, to do it right this time, he moves to a new city, adopts a new name, and a new course of life—only to find that this new existence is as …