The Restoration Court knows Lady Dona St Columb to be ripe for any folly, any outrage that will alter the tedium of her days. But there is another, secret Dona who longs for freedom, honest love - and sweetness, even if it is spiced with danger.To escape the shallowness of court life, Dona retreats to Navron, her …
Generál Jeho Veličenstva je román Daphne du Maurierovej z obdobia občianskej vojny v Anglicku. Svoj tragický životný príbeh rozpráva hlavná hrdinka Honor Harrisová v prvej osobe.
Hostinec Jamajka je román britskej autorky Daphne du Maurier. Základnou črtou románu je dobrodružnosť a napätie, ktoré sa autorke podarilo udržať od prvého do posledného riadka. Dielo je ladené romanticky, príbeh však napriek tomu vyznieva dôveryhodne. Napínavý dej a umelecké kvality si našli veľa …
I tell you your mine will be in ruins and your home destroyed and your children forgotten ...but this hill will be standing still to confound you.' So curses Morty Donovan when 'Copper John' Brodrick builds his mine at Hungry Hill. The Brodricks of Clonmere gain great wealth by harnessing the power of Hungry Hill and …
The iron of the bridge felt hot under my hand. The sun had been upon it all day. Gripping hard with my hands I lifted myself on to the bar and gazed down steadily on the water passing under ... I thought of places I would never see, and women I should never love. A white sea breaking on a beach, the slow rustle of a …