Arrival and Departure is the third novel of Arthur Koestler's trilogy concerning the conflict between morality and expediency. The first volume, The Gladiators, is about the subversion of the Spartacus revolt, and the second, Darkness at Noon, is the celebrated novel about the Soviet Show trials. Arrival and Departure …

The Ghost in the Machine is a 1967 book about philosophical psychology by Arthur Koestler. The title is a phrase coined by the Oxford philosopher Gilbert Ryle to describe the Cartesian dualist account of the mind–body relationship. Koestler shares with Ryle the view that the mind of a person is not an independent …

The Call-Girls: A Tragi-Comedy with Prologue and Epilogue is a novel by Arthur Koestler. Its publication date is given as 1 January 1972 and its plot tells the story of a group of academic scientists struggling to understand the human tendency towards self-destruction, while the group members gradually become more …