«Кладбище для безумцев. Ещё одна повесть о двух городах» — роман Рэя Брэдбери, написанный в 1990 году. Вторая часть детективной трилогии о любви, одиночестве и смерти на фоне калифорнийских пейзажей и мира старых голливудских фильмов. Этот мистический детектив составил трилогию с произведениями «Смерть — дело …

S is for Space is a collection of science fiction short stories written by Ray Bradbury. It was compiled for the Young Adult sections of libraries.

The Toynbee Convector is a short story collection by Ray Bradbury. Several of the stories are original to this collection. Others originally appeared in the magazines Playboy, Omni, Gallery, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Woman's Day, and Weird Tales.

«Кошкина пижама» — сборник рассказов американского писателя Рэя Брэдбери, опубликованный в 2004 году. В сборник вошли рассказы, написанные в разные периоды творчества автора.

A collection of stories include tales about a playroom in which children's fantasies become real enough to kill, and a beautiful white suit that turns six down-and-out Chicanos into their ideal selves

Let's All Kill Constance is a 2002 mystery novel by Ray Bradbury. Narrated by an unnamed Los Angeles writer and set in 1960, it chronicles an unexpected visit from aging Hollywood actress Constance Rattigan who gives him two death lists of once-famous people — with Constance's name on one of them, and the gradual …