Kipling's epic rendition of the imperial experience in India is also his greatest long work. Two men - Kim, a boy growing into early manhood and the lama, an old ascetic priest - are fired by a quest. Kim is white, a sahib, although born in India. While he wants to play the Great Game of Imperialism, he is also …

How did the camel get his hump? Why won't cats do as they are told? Who invented reading and writing? How did an inquisitive little elephant change the lives of elephants everywhere? Kipling's imagined answers to such questions draw on the beast fables he heard as a child in India, as well as on folk games with …

A dzsungel könyve Rudyard Kipling novellagyűjteménye. A novellák legnagyobb része az indiai őserdőben játszódik, és egy Maugli nevű fiúról szól, akit farkasok neveltek fel. A többi történet helyszíne is India, kivéve a Kvikvern és A fehér fóka című novellákat. Kipling Indiában született, így jól ismerte az indiai …

Az elveszett világ 1912-ben megjelent sci-fi regény, melynek szerzője a brit Arthur Conan Doyle. A műben egy világhírű tudós, George Edward Challenger professzor expedíciót indít egy dél-amerikai fennsíkra, ahol állítólag őslények élnek.

A dzsungel könyve Rudyard Kipling novellagyűjteménye. A novellák legnagyobb része az indiai őserdőben játszódik, és egy Maugli nevű fiúról szól, akit farkasok neveltek fel. A többi történet helyszíne is India, kivéve a Kvikvern és A fehér fóka című novellákat. Kipling Indiában született, így jól ismerte az indiai …

Captains Courageous is an 1897 novel, by Rudyard Kipling, that follows the adventures of fifteen-year-old Harvey Cheyne Jr., the spoiled son of a railroad tycoon, after he is saved from drowning by a Portuguese fisherman in the north Atlantic. The novel originally appeared as a serialisation in McClure's, beginning …

Puck of Pook's Hill is a fantasy book by Rudyard Kipling, published in 1906, containing a series of short stories set in different periods of English history. It can count both as historical fantasy – since some of the stories told of the past have clear magical elements, and as contemporary fantasy – since it depicts …

"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is a short story in The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling about the adventures of a valiant young mongoose. The story has often been anthologized, and has been published more than once as a short book in its own right. The story was adapted as an animated short in 1965 and as a live-action feature film …