The Magic Finger is a children's story published by Roald Dahl in 1966. Although the original edition had illustrations by William Pene du Bois, there have been later editions of the book with illustrations by Pat Mariott, Tony Ross, and Quentin Blake.
Revolting Rhymes is a collection of Roald Dahl poems published in 1982. A parody of traditional folk tales in verse, Dahl gives a re-interpretation of six well-known fairy tales, featuring surprise endings in place of the traditional happily-ever-after. The poems are illustrated by Quentin Blake. It is the shortest …
Esio Trot is a children's novel written by British author Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake, published in 1990.
Going Solo is a memoir by Roald Dahl, first published by Jonathan Cape in London in 1986. It is a continuation of his autobiography describing his childhood, Boy. It tells about his voyage to Africa, describing the various strange people he meets. He was on a boat heading towards Dar es Salaam for his new job working …
Kalle och chokladfabriken är en skönlitterär barnbok från 1964 av den brittiske författaren Roald Dahl. Boken karaktäriseras av sitt vardagliga och lätta språk, sina detaljerade beskrivningar, och sin genre, som kan beskrivas som science fiction för barn. Detta är karaktärsdrag som går igen i de flesta av Dahls andra …
Jojjes ljuvliga medicin 1991 är en bok skriven Roald Dahl och illustrerad av Quentin Blake.
Where did Roald Dahl get all of his wonderful ideas for stories? From his own life, of course! As full of excitement and the unexpected as his world-famous, best-selling books, Roald Dahl's tales of his own childhood are completely fascinating and fiendishly funny. Did you know that Roald Dahl nearly lost his nose in …