image of Lucius Shepard

Lucius Shepard

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Life during Wartime is a science fantasy novel written by American author Lucius Shepard. His second novel, it was published by Bantam Books in 1987, in which year it was nominated for the Philip K Dick Award. In 1990, it won the Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis.

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Vânătorul de jaguari este o culegere de povestiri science fiction și horror a scriitorului american Lucius Shepard. A fost prima lui carte publicată de Arkham House, având un tiraj de 3.194 de exemplare. Povestirile au apărut inițial în Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Universe și The Magazine of Fantasy and …

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Softspoken is a book by Lucius Shepard.

... Unknown

A Handbook of American Prayer is a book by Lucius Shepard.

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... Unknown