La vita meravigliosa è un saggio scritto da Stephen Jay Gould nel 1990. Il suo titolo completo è La vita meravigliosa. I fossili di Burgess e la natura della storia.

Intelligenza e pregiudizio: contro i fondamenti scientifici del razzismo è un saggio del paleontologo e storico della scienza Stephen Jay Gould pubblicato in lingua inglese dapprima nel 1981 e successivamente, in una seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata, nel 1996. Il saggio ricostruisce la storia del determinismo …

Il pollice del panda è un libro di Stephen Jay Gould pubblicato per la prima volta in inglese nel 1980. Soltanto nel 1994 viene proposta la versione in italiano da Anabasi. Nel 2001 esce riproposta da il Saggiatore. L'opera è composta da otto parti, ognuna delle quali contiene in media quattro capitoli. L'evoluzione, …

Ever Since Darwin is a 1977 book by the paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould. Gould's first book of collected essays, it originated from his monthly column "This View of Life," published in Natural History magazine. Edwin Barber—who was then the editorial director for W. W. Norton & Company— encouraged Gould to …

Stephen Jay Gould has a wide range of interests, and for many years he has shared his enthusiasms in the pages of Natural History and the New York Review of Books, among other journals. His passions include baseball, the puzzles of evolutionary theory, and the game of scholarly detection as it applies to questions …

Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin is a 1996 book by evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould. It was released in the UK as Life's Grandeur, with the same subtitle and with an additional 8-page introduction entitled "A Baseball Primer for British Readers".

Dinosaur in a Haystack is the seventh volume of collected essays by the Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould. The essays were culled from his monthly column "The View of Life" in Natural History magazine, to which Gould contributed for 27 years. The book deals, in typically discursive fashion, with themes familiar …

Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes is Stephen Jay Gould's third volume of collected essays reprinted from his monthly columns for Natural History magazine titled "This view of life". Three essays appeared elsewhere. "Evolution as Fact and Theory" first appeared in Discover magazine in May 1981; "Phyletic size decrease in …

Il sorriso del fenicottero è un libro di divulgazione scientifica di Stephen Jay Gould, professore di geologia, biologia e storia della scienza a Harvard, che raccoglie ben 30 saggi su argomenti di varia natura, principalmente nel campo della biologia e dell'evoluzione.

Eight Little Piggies is the sixth volume of collected essays by the Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould. The essays were selected from his monthly column "The View of Life" in Natural History magazine, to which Gould contributed for 27 years. The book deals, in typically discursive fashion, with themes familiar …