«Игра́ Э́ндера» — научно-фантастический роман Орсона Скотта Карда. Роман является переработкой рассказа «Игра Эндера», созданного в 1977 году. Действие романа происходит в 2135 году. Человечество пережило два вторжения инопланетной расы «жукеров», лишь чудом уцелев, и готовится к очередному вторжению. Для поиска …

«Голос тех, кого нет» — научно-фантастический роман Орсона Скотта Карда. Роман «Голос тех, кого нет» является прямым продолжением романа «Игра Эндера». Действие книги происходит примерно в 5270 году, спустя 3000 лет после событий «Игры Эндера». Однако, из-за релятивистских космических путешествий, Эндеру всего 35 лет. …

Ender's Shadow is a parallel science fiction novel by the American author Orson Scott Card, taking place at the same time as the novel Ender's Game and depicting some of the same events from the point of view of Bean, a supporting character in the original novel. It was originally to be titled Urchin, but it was …

Xenocide is the third novel in the Ender's Game series of books by Orson Scott Card. It was nominated for both the Hugo and Locus Awards for Best Novel in 1992. The title is a combination of 'xeno-', meaning alien, and '-cide', referring to the act of killing; altogether referring to the act of selectively killing …

Children of the Mind is the fourth book of Orson Scott Card's popular Ender's Game series of science fiction novels that focus on the character Ender Wiggin. This book was originally the second half of Xenocide, before it was split into two novels.

Shadow of the Hegemon is the second novel in the Ender's Shadow series by Orson Scott Card. It is also the sixth novel in the Ender's Game series. It is told mostly from the point of view of Bean, a largely peripheral character in the original novel Ender's Game but the central protagonist of the parallel narrative …

Shadow Puppets is a science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card, published in 2002. It is the sequel to Shadow of the Hegemon and the third book in the Ender's Shadow series. It was originally to be called Shadow of Death.

Shadow of the Giant is the fourth novel in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Shadow series, which is also called the Bean Quartet.