Targowisko próżności: powieść bez bohatera – powieść Williama Makepeace Thackeraya, wydana w 1847. Powieść jest satyrą angielskiego społeczeństwa początku XIX wieku. Była wielokrotnie ekranizowana. Pierwszym wydaniom towarzyszyły ilustracje autora. Oryginalny tytuł Vanity Fair autor zaczerpnął z alegorycznej opowieści …
The Luck of Barry Lyndon is a picaresque novel by William Makepeace Thackeray, first published in serial form in 1844, about a member of the Irish gentry trying to become a member of the English aristocracy. Thackeray, who based the novel on the life and exploits of the Anglo-Irish rake and fortune-hunter Andrew …
The History of Henry Esmond is a historical novel by William Makepeace Thackeray, originally published in 1852. The book tells the story of the early life of Henry Esmond, a colonel in the service of Queen Anne of England. A typical example of Victorian historical novels, Thackeray's work of historical fiction tells …
Pierścień i róża – powieść fantastyczna dla dzieci autorstwa Williama Makepeace'a Thackeraya z 1855 roku.
The History of Pendennis: His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and His Greatest Enemy is a novel by the English author William Makepeace Thackeray. It is set in 19th-century England, particularly in London. The main hero is a young English gentleman Arthur Pendennis, who is born in the country and sets out for …
The Book of Snobs is a collection of satirical works by William Makepeace Thackeray first published in the magazine Punch as The Snobs of England, By One of Themselves. Published in 1848, the book was serialised in 1846/47 around the same time as Vanity Fair. While the word 'snob' had been in use since the end of the …