«The Art of Discworld» — альбом иллюстраций художника Пола Кидби, который после смерти Джоша Кирби стал основным иллюстратором книг серии Плоского мира Терри Пратчетта. На русском языке ещё не …

The Carpet People is a fantasy novel by Terry Pratchett which was originally published in 1971, but was later re-written by the author when his work became more widespread and well-known. In the Author's Note of the revised edition, published in 1992, Terry Pratchett wrote: "This book had two authors, and they were …

Темная сторона Солнца - фантастический роман английского писателя Терри Пратчетта, написанный в 1976 году.

The Discworld Almanak is a spin-off book from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, in a similar format to the Diaries and Nanny Ogg's Cookbook. It was written by Pratchett and Bernard Pearson and published in 2004. The book takes the form of an almanac for the Discworld Year of the Prawn, and offers astrological …