Imperial Woman is a novel by Pearl S. Buck first published in 1956. Imperial Woman is a fictionalized biography of Ci-xi, who was a concubine of the Xianfeng Emperor and on his death became the de facto head of the Qing dynasty until her death in 1908. The story of Tzu Hsi is the story of the last Empress in China. In …
La buona terra è il romanzo più famoso della scrittrice statunitense Pearl Buck pubblicato nel 1931. Il libro le valse il Premio Pulitzer nel 1931 e la medaglia di riconoscimento dall'American Academy of Arts and Letters. Il libro descrive alcuni aspetti anche primitivi della vita cinese tramite un forte senso di …
On her fortieth birthday, Madame Wu carries out a decision she has been planning for a long time: she tells her husband that after twenty-four years their physical life together is now over and she wishes him to take a second wife. The House of Wu, one of the oldest and most revered in China, is thrown into an uproar …