image of Philip Pullman

Philip Pullman

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The Firework-Maker's Daughter is a short children's novel by Philip Pullman. It was first published in the United Kingdom by Doubleday in 1995. The first UK edition was illustrated by Nick Harris; a subsequent edition published in the United States was illustrated by S. Saelig Gallagher. Pullman originally wrote the …

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An Amazon Best Book of October 2017: Philip Pullman is that rare breed of author whose books are written for young people but are read and adored equally by adults. It’s been nearly two decades since Pullman wrote The Amber Spyglass, so it was both thrilling and terrifying (please be amazing, please be amazing…) when …

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Kinder- und Hausmärchen is de verzameling van 201 sprookjes en 10 kinderlegenden, aangelegd door de gebroeders Grimm en uitgegeven vanaf 1812. De sprookjes zijn genummerd van KHM1 t/m KHM200 en worden als zodanig aangeduid. Zo heeft Sneeuwwitje de aanduiding KHM53. Er is één a-nummer, KHM151a, de verzameling bevat …

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“A second brilliant bauble, perhaps more foreboding and terrifying than The Ruby in the Smoke.” –Publisher's WeeklyWill the sea give up its dead?The year is 1878, and the spirited Sally Lockhart, once again defying Victorian sensibilities, has gone into business for herself. When one of her clients loses a large sum …