The Gladiator is a 2007 Harry Turtledove novel for young adults. Part of the loose Crosstime Traffic family of books it is set in a world in an alternate history in which the Soviet Union has won the Cold War. It tied with Jo Walton's Ha'penny for the 2008 Prometheus Award.

What if V-E Day didn’t end World War II in Europe? What if, instead, the Allies had to face a potent, even fanatical, postwar Nazi resistance? Such a movement, based in the fabled Alpine Redoubt, was in fact a real threat, ultimately neutralized by Germany’s flagging resources and squabbling officials. But had SS …

A Different Flesh is a collection of alternate history short stories by Harry Turtledove set in a world in which Homo erectus and various megafauna survived in the Americas instead of Native Americans. Turtledove was inspired to write the story by a Stephen Jay Gould article that speculated as to how humanity’s …