Peste est un roman d'anticipation sociale écrit par l'écrivain américain Chuck Palahniuk et publié en 2007. En France, il est édité par les éditions Denoël en janvier 2008 puis les éditions Gallimard en mai 2009. Sa traduction française est l’œuvre d'Alain Défossé.

The Manchurian Candidate meets South Park—Chuck Palahniuk’s finest novel since the generation-defining Fight Club.“Begins here first account of operative me, agent number 67 on arrival Midwestern American airport greater _____ area. Flight _____. Date _____. Priority mission top success to complete. Code name: …

From the master of literary mayhem and provocation, a full-frontal Triple X novel that goes where no American work of fiction has gone before Cassie Wright, porn priestess, intends to cap her legendary career by breaking the world record for serial fornication. On camera. With six hundred men. Snuff unfolds from the …

Include the following short stories: For the Relief of Unbearable Urges (Nathan Englander), San (Lan Samantha Chang), Project Mayhem (Chuck Palahniuk, first apparition of this chapter of the famous "Fight Club"), The Finest Wife (Elizabeth Gilbert), Cathal's Lake (Colum McCann), Salvation (Jan Meissner) The Unseen Ear …

Tell-All is a novel by Chuck Palahniuk, released on May 4, 2010. It is his 11th novel. A preview video, with the tagline: "Boy Meets Girl. Boy Gets Girl. Boy Kills Girl?" was released to entice fans prior to the novel's release. The paperback was released on May 31, 2011, with the cover by Rodrigo Corral Design, …