『八十日間世界一周』は、ジュール・ヴェルヌによる1872年に発表されたフランスの小説。 イギリス人資産家フィリアス・フォッグが執事のパスパルトゥーを従え、後期ビクトリア朝時代の世界を80日で一周しようと試みる、波瀾万丈の冒険物語である。古典的冒険小説である。 …

"Dr. Ox's Experiment" is a short story by the French writer and pioneer of science-fiction, Jules Verne, published in 1872. It describes an experiment by one Dr. Ox and his assistant Gedeon Ygene. A prosperous scientist Dr. Ox offers to build a novel gas lighting system to an unusually stuffy Flemish town of …

Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon is a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1881. It has also been published as The Giant Raft. Unlike many of his other novels, this story does not have any science fiction elements. It is an adventure novel. This novel involves how Joam Garral, a ranch owner who lives near the …