image of Iain Banks

Iain Banks

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Spectrul lui Phlebas, este un roman space opera al scriitorului scoțian Iain M. Banks, primul din seria Culturii. Romanul este centrat pe războiul dintre Idirani și Cultură, pe care Banks o prezintă prin intermediul mai multor elemente care l-au marcat. Protagonistul romanului, Bora Horza Gobuchul, este un dușman al …

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Surface Detail by Iain M. Banks is a science fiction novel in his Culture series, first published in the UK on 7 October 2010 and the US on 28 October 2010.

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The Algebraist, a science fiction novel by Scottish writer Iain M. Banks, first appeared in print in 2004. It was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2005. It was his third science fiction novel not to be based or set in The Culture, and the first not to be potentially in the same universe.

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The Bridge is a novel by Scottish author Iain Banks. It was published in 1986. The book switches between three protagonists, John Orr, Alex, and the Barbarian. It is an unconventional love story.

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The Business is a novel by the Scottish writer Iain Banks, published in 1999.

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From its bravura opening onwards, THE CROW ROAD is justly regarded as an outstanding contemporary novel. 'It was the day my grandmother exploded. I sat in the crematorium, listening to my Uncle Hamish quietly snoring in harmony to Bach's Mass in B Minor, and I reflected that it always seemed to be death that drew me …

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The Culture - a human/machine symbiotic society - has thrown up many great Game Players, and one of the greatest is Gurgeh. Jernau Morat Gurgeh. The Player of Games. Master of every board, computer and strategy. Bored with success, Gurgeh travels to the Empire of Azad, cruel and incredibly wealthy, to try their …

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The State of the Art is a short story collection by Scottish writer Iain M. Banks, first published in 1991. The collection includes some stories originally published under his other byline, Iain Banks as well as the title novella and others set in Banks' Culture fictional universe.

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