image of Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

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Nicăieri este romanul escortă scris de Neil Gaiman pentru mini-seria TV Neverwhere realizată de el și de Lenny Henry. Acțiunea și personajele sunt identice, cu excepția faptul că romanul i-a permis lui Gaiman să extindă și să aprofundeze anumite elemente ale poveștii și să revină la ideile inițiale pe care versiunea …

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Neil Gaiman has long been inspired by ancient mythology in creating the fantastical realms of his fiction. Now he turns his attention back to the source, presenting a rendition of the great northern tales. Here Gaiman fashions primeval stories into a novelistic arc that begins with the genesis of the legendary nine …

... Unknown

In this inventive, short, yet perfectly formed novel inspired by traditional Norse mythology, Neil Gaiman takes readers on a wild and magical trip to the land of giants and gods and back.In a village in ancient Norway lives a boy named Odd, and he's had some very bad luck: His father perished in a Viking expedition; a …

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