This title contains stories including: "The Landlady", "William and Mary", "The Way up to Heaven", "Parson's Pleasures", "Mrs Bixby and the Colonel's Coat", "Royal Jelly", "Gregory Progy", "Genesis and Catastrophe", "Edwards the Conqueror", "Pig", and "The Champion of the World".

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me is a children's book written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake. The story itself is told from the point of view of Billy, a young boy who has always dreamed of owning a sweet shop. His ambition is strengthened by the fact that there is an abandoned building named The …

Switch Bitch is a 1974 short story collection for adults by Roald Dahl. The book is made up of four stories: "The Visitor," "The Great Switcheroo," "The Last Act," and "Bitch". Each story deals in some way with sex and deception. Furthermore, "The Visitor" contains the first appearance of Uncle Oswald, who appears …

Den kjempestore krokodillen er en billedbok av Roald Dahl, første gang utgitt på norsk i 1988. Den er illustrert av Quentin Blake. Den ble første gang utgitt i 1978.

Onkel Oswald er en roman av den norsk-engelske forfatteren Roald Dahl og er hans eneste roman for voksne. Hovedpersonen i romanen er onkel Oswald, en karakter som har dukket opp tidligere i et par noveller i novellesamlingen Bytt Beite. Ifølge fortelleren er onkel Oswald «historiens overlegent største horebukk», der …

The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl is a 1991 short story collection for adults by Roald Dahl. The collection contains many of Dahl's stories seen in the television series Tales of the Unexpected. Containing macabre malevolence, the collection includes Switch Bitch, Kiss, Kiss, Someone Like You, Twenty-Nine …

Et hode kortere og andre hårreisende historier er en novellesamling av den norsk-engelske forfatteren Roald Dahl. Novellesamlingen regnes som hans beste novellesamling og inneholder hans mest kjente novelle Dypfryst. Flere av novellene er filmatisert.

Skin and Other Stories is a collection of short stories written by Roald Dahl. It was published in 2000 by Puffin Books, a division of Penguin Putnam Books. Many these stories first appeared in the Dahl book, Someone Like You, and also includes the story "The Surgeon," originally published in Playboy magazine in 1986.

Who better to investigate the literary spirit world than that supreme connoisseur of the unexpected, Roald Dahl? Of the many permutations of the macabre or bizarre, Dahl was always especially fascinated by the classic ghost story. As he realtes in the erudite introduction to this volume, he read some 749 supernatural …