image of Frederick Forsyth

Frederick Forsyth

... Unknown

The Phantom of Manhattan, a 1999 novel by Frederick Forsyth, is a sequel to the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical The Phantom of the Opera, itself based on the original book by Gaston Leroux. Forsyth's literary concept is that Leroux had recorded factual events but, in review, had apparently not checked his facts or viewed …

... Unknown
... Unknown

The Shepherd is a 1975 novella by Frederick Forsyth. The Shepherd relates the story of a De Havilland Vampire pilot, going home on Christmas Eve 1957, whose aircraft suffers a complete electrical failure en route from RAF Celle in northern Germany to RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk. Lost in fog and low on fuel, he is met …

... Unknown

"Šaakali päev" on inglise kirjaniku Frederick Forsythi 1971. aastal ilmunud spiooniromaan. Teos võitis 1972. aastal Edgar Allan Poe auhinna ja Martin Becki auhinna. 1990. aastal Suurbritannia 100 parima kriminaalromaani valimisel võitis teos 17. koha ning viis aastat hiljem USA sarnasel valimisel 20. koha. Eesti …