Son of Spellsinger is a fantasy novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book follows the continuing adventures of Jonathan Thomas Meriweather who is transported from our world into a land of talking animals and magic. It is the seventh book in the Spellsinger series.
Spellsinger is a fantasy novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book follows the adventures of Jonathan Thomas Meriweather who is transported from our world into a land of talking animals and magic. It is the first in the Spellsinger series.
The Day of the Dissonance is a 1984 fantasy novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book follows the continuing adventures of Jonathan Thomas Meriweather who is transported from our world into a land of talking animals and magic. It is the third book in the Spellsinger series.
The Paths of the Perambulator is a fantasy novel written by Alan Dean Foster. The book follows the continuing adventures of Jonathan Thomas Meriweather who is transported from our world into a land of talking animals and magic. It is the fifth book in the Spellsinger series.
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Yıldız Savaşları: Bölüm IV - Yeni Bir Umut filminin ve Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker romanının devamı olan bilim kurgu türündeki romandır. Alan Dean Foster tarafından yazılmış olan roman 1978 yılında yayımlanmıştır. Romandaki ana karakterler Luke Skywalker, Prenses Leia …