Islands in the Sky is a 1952 science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke. It is one of his earliest and lesser known works. Clarke wrote the story as a travelogue of human settlement of cislunar space in the last half of the Twenty-First Century. This is one of the thirty-five juvenile novels that constitute the Winston …
Kladivo Boží je vědeckofantastický román britského spisovatele Arthura C. Clarka z roku 1993. Předlohou románu byla stejnojmenná povídka Kladivo boží, která vyšla poprvé ve vydání "Beyond the Year 2000" amerického magazínu Time v říjnu 1992. Režisér a filmový producent Steven Spielberg získal práva k příběhu pro …
Cradle is a 1988 science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee. The major premise of Cradle is contact between a few humans from the Miami area in 1994 and the super robots of a damaged space ship submerged off the Florida coast. Telecommunication advances such as videotelephones and highly efficient …