『朗読者』ろうどくしゃ、ドイツ語: Der Vorleser は、1995年に出版されたベルンハルト・シュリンクによる長編小説。2008年に映画化され、その翌年には日本でも公開された。

'Perfectly crafted, intricate and haunting stories' from the bestselling author of THE READER.A mesmeric collection of stories about love. In his characteristically unsentimental, elegant and spare prose, Schlink unveils characters and relationships haunted by betrayal and guilt, in situations where self-examination …

Gerhard Self, the dour private detective, returns in this riveting crime novel about terrorism, governmental cover-up, and the treacherous waters where they mix.Leo Salger, the daughter of a powerful Bonn bureaucrat, is missing, and Self has been hired to find her. His investigation initially leads him to a psych ward …