Ogień nad otchłanią – powieść science fiction z elementami space opery amerykańskiego pisarza Vernora Vingego. Wydana w 1992 r. przez wydawnictwo Tor Books, zdobyła nagrodę Hugo w 1993 r. Polskie tłumaczenie Rafała Wilkońskiego wydała w 1998 oficyna Prószyński i S-ka. Ewakuujący ludzkie dzieci statek kosmiczny rozbija …

After thousands of years searching, humans stand on the verge of first contact with an alien race. Two human groups: the Qeng Ho, a culture of free traders, and the Emergents, a ruthless society based on the technological enslavement of minds. The group that opens trade with the aliens will reap unimaginable riches. …

Rainbows End is a 2006 science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge. It was awarded the 2007 Hugo Award for Best Novel. The book is set in San Diego, California, in 2025, in a variation of the fictional world Vinge explored in his 2002 Hugo-winning novella "Fast Times at Fairmont High" and 2004's "Synthetic Serendipity". …