헤다 가블레르는 노르웨이의 극작가, 헨리크 입센이 쓴 4막의 희곡이자, 이 드라마의 주인공이다. 이 희곡은 1890년에 처음 발간되었으며, 그 다음 해에 독일에서 초연이 부정적인 반응을 얻었지만, 헤다 가블레르는 차츰 19세기 사실주의 희극이자, 세계적인 드라마로 인정을 얻게 되었다. 1902년 미니 메이던 피스케가 출연한 브로드웨이에서의 공연은 큰 반향을 일으켰다. 헤다의 역할은 연극에서 가장 극적인 역할 중 하나이며, "여성 햄릿"이며, 일부의 모습은 상당한 논란을 불러 일으켜왔다. 해석에 따라, 헤다는 사회와 싸우는 이상적인 여주인공으로, 환경의 희생자, …

Ghosts is a play by the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It was written in 1881 and first staged in 1882 in Chicago, Illinois, in a production by a Danish company on tour. Like many of Ibsen's plays, Ghosts is a scathing commentary on 19th-century morality. Because of its subject matter, which includes religion, …

Delivering three distinct and powerful visions of characters who choose to defy convention in the pursuit of happiness, Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House and Other Plays is translated with an introduction by Peter Watts in Penguin Classics. The League of Youth was Ibsen's first venture into realistic social drama and …

An Enemy of the People is an 1882 play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Ibsen wrote it in response to the public outcry against his play Ghosts, which at that time was considered scandalous. Ghosts had challenged the hypocrisy of Victorian morality and was deemed indecent for its veiled references to syphilis. …