The outrageous and immortal, gender-bending and polymorphously perverse, over-the-top, and utterly on-target comic masterpiece from the bestselling author of Burr, Lincoln, and the National Book Award-winning United States. With a new introduction by Camille Paglia "I am Myra Breckinridge, whom no man will ever …

Messiah is a thriller novel by British writer Boris Starling, published in 1999. Following the success of the novel, a sequel, Storm, was also released. The novel became the basis for the popular BBC TV series Messiah, starring Ken Stott.

Lincoln: A Novel is a historical novel, part of the Narratives of Empire series by Gore Vidal. Set during the American Civil War, the novel describes the presidency of Abraham Lincoln through the eyes of several historical figures, including presidential secretary John Hay, First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln, Secretary of …