Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants is the fourth book in the Captain Underpants series written by Dav Pilkey.

Tra-la-laaa! Captain Underpants is back in an all-new epic adventure that's the zaniest, funniest, outrageousest, and time-travelingiest yet!When we last saw our heroes, George and Harold, they were under arrest and headed for prison. Then Harold foolishly uttered the fateful words "What could be worse than going to …

Dogzilla is a children's picture book created by Dav Pilkey that parodies Godzilla with a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Harcourt, Inc. published this title in 1993. “The illustrations in this book are manipulated photographic collage, heavily retouched with acrylic paint.” The photographs of the animals are of Pilkey’s own …