《他们》是乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨的一部小说,1969年出版,获1970年美国国家图书奖。小说讲述了底特律温德尔一家1937年到1967年的家族史,主要人物有洛雷塔、她的儿子朱尔斯、女儿莫林。全书按时间顺序展开,没有贯穿的情节,只有一些碎片化的细节。 …

Zombie is a 1995 novel by Joyce Carol Oates which explores the mind of a serial killer. It was based on the life of Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer stated in an interview with Stone Phillips, "The only motive that there ever was to completely control a person, a person I found physically attractive, and keep them with me as …

You Must Remember This is a novel by Joyce Carol Oates. It tells the story of Enid Maria, a girl who falls in love with her uncle, a professional boxer. It also is about her family, the Stevicks, and their thriving life in Port Oriskany, a fictional industrial city in upstate New York. The title comes from the song …

Wonderland is a 1971 novel by Joyce Carol Oates, the fourth in the so-called Wonderland Quartet. It was a finalist for the annual U.S. National Book Award for Fiction and it has been called one of the prolific author's best books. Wonderland follows the character Jesse Vogel from his childhood in the Great Depression …