image of Джон Уиндъм

Джон Уиндъм

... Unknown

Денят на трифидите е пост-апокалиптичен роман от британския писател Джон Уиндъм, публикуван през 1951 г. Книгата е преведена на много езици и е в основата на няколко филма, радиопиеси и комикси. Продължение на историята е романа Нощта на трифидите от Саймън Кларк, публикуван 2001 г. - 50 години след първата …

... Unknown

Teacher requests for new drama by the best authors are met in these plays recently commissioned from leading professional playwrights. Revised National Curriculum requirements for students to read recent and contemporary drama are catered for in scripts specifically written for 11-16+. Having been performed as part of …

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The Midwich Cuckoos is a science fiction novel written by English author John Wyndham, published during 1957. It has been filmed twice as Village of the Damned, with releases during 1960 and 1995.

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The Kraken Wakes is an apocalyptic science fiction novel by John Wyndham, originally published by Michael Joseph in the United Kingdom in 1953, and first published in the United States in the same year by Ballantine Books under the title Out of the Deeps as a mass market paperback. The title is a reference to Alfred …

... Unknown

Чоки е научнофантастичен роман, написан от британския писател Джон Уиндъм и публикувана през 1968 г. Тя придобива немалка популярност, поради което през 1984 г. е заснета едноименна телевизионна поредица, базирана на труда на Уиндъм. Сериалът е излъчен за първи път от британската телевизия …

... Unknown

Trouble with Lichen is a science fiction novel by John Wyndham.

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For the ten short stories collected here, John Wyndham turns his imagination to, among other sujects, body-snatching, time-travel and mind-travel, and the the tricky business of interplanetary colonization.

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I became aware that there was a force: that I was being moved, and that spacelessness had, therefore, ceased, too.

... Unknown

Web is a science fiction novel written by the English science fiction author John Wyndham. The novel was published by the estate of John Wyndham in 1979, ten years after his death.

... Unknown

The Outward Urge is a science fiction novel by John Wyndham. It was originally published with four chapters in 1959. A fifth chapter was included in later versions, which was originally published in 1961 as a separate short story The Emptiness of Space. The novel's stated authorship has a peculiar history. It was …