The Golden Oecumene is a science fiction trilogy by the American writer John C. Wright. It consists of three books, The Golden Age, The Phoenix Exultant and The Golden Transcendence.

Orphans of Chaos is a 2005 science fiction, fantasy novel by John C. Wright. It is the first volume of the Orphans of Chaos trilogy that continues with the novels Fugitives of Chaos and Titans of Chaos.

Wright's new fantasy, which began with Orphans of Chaos, and continues in Fugitives of Chaos, is a tale about five orphans raised in a strict British boarding school who begin to discover that they may not be human beings. The students at the school do not age, while the world around them does. The orphans have been …

Last Guardian of Everness is a fantasy novel by John C. Wright. It has a sequel, Mists of Everness.

An estate-approved sequel to the first two Null-A books, sidestepping the less admired third book by A. E. van Vogt.Even the cover art reflects the Golden Age of Science Fiction origins of this tale of Gilbert Gosseyn, a multiple-bodied man who is fighting for the fate of the human continuum this time.