The Next 100 Years adalah buku tahun 2009 karya George Friedman. Dalam buku ini, Friedman berusaha memprediksi peristiwa geopolitik besar dan tren abad ke-21. Friedman juga membuat spekulasi perubahan teknologi dan kebudayaan yang mungkin saja terjadi pada saat itu. Friedman memperkirakan bahwa Amerika Serikat akan …
America's Secret War: Inside the Hidden Worldwide Struggle Between America and Its Enemies, a book by Stratfor founder George Friedman, is an attempt to analyze United States foreign policy in 2004; specifically, the war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the war on terror. America's Secret War was published as a …
The author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller The Next 100 Years now focuses his geopolitical forecasting acumen on the next decade and the imminent events and challenges that will test America and the world, specifically addressing the skills that will be required by the decade’s leaders. In the long view, …
A major new book by New York Times bestselling author and geopolitical forecaster George Friedman (The Next 100 Years), with a bold thesis about coming events in Europe. This provocative work examines “flashpoints,” unique geopolitical hot spots where tensions have erupted throughout history, and where conflict is due …