True at First Light is a book by American novelist Ernest Hemingway about his 1953–54 East African safari with his fourth wife Mary, released posthumously in his centennial year in 1999. The book received mostly negative or lukewarm reviews from the popular press and sparked a literary controversy regarding how, and …

Men Without Women is the second collection of short stories written by American author Ernest Hemingway. The volume consists of fourteen stories, ten of which had been previously published in magazines. The story subjects include bullfighting, infidelity, divorce, and death. "The Killers", "Hills Like White …

The Nick Adams Stories is a volume of short stories written by Ernest Hemingway published in 1972, a decade after the author's death. In the volume, all the stories featuring Nick Adams, published in various collections during Hemingway's lifetime, are compiled in a single collection. The Nick Adams Stories includes …

Afrikas gröna berg är en facklitterär bok från 1935 av Ernest Hemingway. Tillsammans med sin just då aktuella hustru, bekant som Lilla mamma, ger sig Hemingway iväg till Afrika med en enda önskan: att nedlägga stora djur. Han har anställt en professionell engelsk jägare för att föra honom till de rätta jaktmarkerna, …

Across the River and Into the Trees is a novel by American writer Ernest Hemingway, published by Charles Scribner's Sons in September 1950, first serialized in Cosmopolitan magazine. The title is derived from the last words of U.S. Civil War Confederate General Thomas J. Jackson, “Let us cross over the river and rest …

Döden på eftermiddagen är en facklitterär bok av Ernest Hemingway, publicerad 1932. Boken handlar om de ceremonier och traditioner som omger Spansk tjurfäktning. Boken ger en inblick i tjurfäktningens historia men innehåller också djupare resonemang om rädsla och mod. Hemingway var en stor beundrare av …

Öar i strömmen, en: Islands in the Stream, är en roman av Ernest Hemingway. Den publicerades 1970.

Edens lustgård är en roman, ett kärleksdrama, skriven av Ernest Hemingway. Den utkom postumt 1986, och utkom i svensk översättning 1988.

THIS COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES AND VIGNETTES MARKED ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S AMERICAN DEBUT AND MADE HIM FAMOUS When In Our Time was published in 1925, it was praised by Ford Madox Ford, John Dos Passos, and F. Scott Fitzgerald for its simple and precise use of language to convey a wide range of complex emotions, and it …