Review of Schulz's Attempt at an introduction to a doctrine of morals for all human beings regardless of different religions -- An answer to the question, what is enlightenment? -- On the wrongfulness of unauthorized publication of books -- Groundwork of the metaphysics of morals -- Review of Gottlieb Hufeland's Essay …

"On Critique of Pure Reason: The text rendered by Pluhar is the work of an expert translator. . . the virtues of his text are manifold; his translation exhibits an incontrovertible mastery of both English and German. Equally important is the fact that Pluhar has given the original a very close read during the act of …

Kritika čistog uma je filozofsko djelo njemačkog filozofa Immanuela Kanta, poznato i pod nazivom "prva kritika" ili samo "kritika". Djelo je objavljeno 1781. ali 1787. objavljena je ponovno kao eksplicitno i znatno dopunjeno izdanje. "Kritika čistog uma" je Kantovo najznačajnije djelo i ubraja se u filozofske klasike. …