image of מרדכי ריצ'לר

מרדכי ריצ'לר

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חניכותו של דוּדי קרביץ הוא ספרו המפורסם ביותר של הסופר הקנדי מרדכי ריצ'לר. הספר, שהוא הרומן הרביעי שפרסם ריצ'לר, יצא לאור ב-1959, והפך לרב-מכר. הספר מספר על נער יהודי יליד מונטריאול ועל דרכו הבלתי-מוסרית וחסרת המעצורים להתעשר. בספר תיאור צבעוני של החיים היהודיים במונטריאול בשנות השלושים והארבעים של המאה העשרים. הספר …

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The Incomparable Atuk is a satirical novel by Canadian author Mordecai Richler. It was first published in 1963 by McClelland and Stewart. The novel was published as Stick Your Neck Out in the United States. The Incomparable Atuk tells the story of a Canadian Inuit who is transplanted to Toronto and who quickly adopts …

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Living in a rat-infested hotel in Franco’s post-war Spain, André Bennett, a Canadian painter, loves Toni, his girl friend, who wants him to return home. Roger Kraus, a Nazi on the run, shadows the young artist day and night. They meet on a bridge during the last night of the fiesta, and as the sky is shredded by …

... Unknown

St. Urbain’s Horseman is a complex, moving, and wonderfully comic evocation of a generation consumed with guilt – guilt at not joining every battle, at not healing every wound. Thirty-seven-year-old Jake Hersh is a film director of modest success, a faithful husband, and a man in disgrace. His alter ego is his cousin …

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Solomon Gursky Was Here is a novel by Canadian author Mordecai Richler first published by Viking Canada in 1989.