For fans and new readers alike, a fantastic opportunity to own all ten "Princess Diaries" in one perfect boxed set!

The one and only Mia Thermopolis is back and ready to reign! Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Meg Cabot’s blockbuster series in royal style—with all-new middle grade editions of the first three books! Princess Mia may seem like the luckiest girl ever. But lately she spends all her time doing one of three things: …

The Princess Diaries, Volume VII: Party Princess, released in the United Kingdom as The Princess Diaries: Seventh Heaven, is a young adult book in the critically acclaimed Princess Diaries series. Written by Meg Cabot, it was released in 2006 by Harper Collins Publishers and is the seventh novel in the series.

The Princess Diaries, escrito por Meg Cabot, é uma série de romances publicados a partir de 2000, nos Estados Unidos, logo tendo edições em trinta e oito idiomas ao redor do mundo. The Princess Diary foi adaptado para o cinema, em 2001, contando já com uma sequência. A personagem principal da história, Mia …