Will Freeman may have discovered the key to dating success: If the simple fact that they were single mothers meant that gorgeous women—women who would not ordinarily look twice at Will—might not only be willing, but enthusiastic about dating him, then he was really onto something. Single mothers—bright, attractive, …
A Long Way Down is a novel written by British author Nick Hornby, published in 2005. It is a dark comedy, playing off the themes of suicide, angst, depression and promiscuity. The story is written in the first-person narrative from the points of view of the four main characters, Martin, Maureen, Jess and JJ. These …
From the bestselling author of High Fidelity, About a Boy, and A Long Way Down comes a highly anticipated new novel. Set in 1960's London, Funny Girl is a lively account of the adventures of the intrepid young Sophie Straw as she navigates her transformation from provincial ingénue to television starlet amid a …
Futbol Ateşi, İngiliz yazar Nick Hornby tarafından 1992 yılında yazılan otobiyografi romanı. Bir Arsenal taraftarı olan yazar kitapta çocukluğundan başlayarak, 1968-1992 yılları arasındaki Arsenal maçlarında yaşadıklarını anlatıyor. Kitabın ilk orijinal baskısı Fever Pitch: A Fan's Life adıyla yayınlanırken, sonraki …