Hi-Fi — роман 1995 года, британского писателя Ника Хорнби. В России выпускался издательствами «Иностранная литература» и «Амфора». В 2000 году экранизирован Стивеном Фрирзом. Также роман лег в основу выпущенного в 2006 году на Бродвее одноименного …
A wise and hilarious novel from the bestselling author of Funny Girl, High Fidelity, and About a Boy.A brutally truthful, compassionate novel about the heart, mind, and soul of a woman who, confronted by her husband’s sudden and extreme spiritual conversion, is forced to learn “how to be good”—whatever that means, and …
«Футбольная горячка» — роман английского писателя Ника Хорнби, о роли футбола как социального явления в жизни отдельно взятого человека.
Nick Hornby returns to his roots-music and messy relationships-in this funny and touching new novel which thoughtfully and sympathetically looks at how lives can be wasted but how they are never beyond redemption. Annie lives in a dull town on England's bleak east coast and is in a relationship with Duncan which …
Just when everything is coming together for Sam, his girlfriend Alicia drops a bombshell. Make that ex-girlfriend-- because by the time she tells him she's pregnant, they've already called it quits. Sam does not want to be a teenage dad. His mom had him at sixteen and has made it very clear how having a baby so young …
«Логорея» — сборник эссе английского писателя Ника Хорнби. Включает в себя подборку колонок автора для журнала „The Believer“ за 2003-2004 годы о книгах, которые он читает сам. В каждой статье Хорнби перечисляет книги, которые покупает, и книги, которые действительно читает: например, мог приобрести Диккенса, а читать …
“All I have to say about these songs is that I love them, and want to sing along to them, and force other people to listen to them, and get cross when these other people don’t like them as much as I do.” —Nick Hornby, from Songbook Songs, songwriters, and why and how they get under our skin… Songbook is Nick …
Speaking with the Angel is a collection of short stories edited by Nick Hornby and published by Riverhead Trade in 2001. Featuring stories from twelve established writers, the book acted as a fundraising effort for TreeHouse, a charity school for severely autistic children in London where Hornby's son was a student. …