《秘密花园》是法国作家奥克塔夫·米尔博于1899年所发表的一部小说。 小说发生于广州的监狱,小说的主人公是法国骗子,他陪伴一个英国人Clara太太走进秘密花园,Clara太太是有虐待狂的人,她很享受地欣赏着那些在这个美丽花园中的酷刑。 米尔博批判各国社会的种种杀人行为和杀人文化:“谋杀正是我们社会机构的基石,因而也是我们文明生活最迫切的需求。如果谋杀不再存在,就不会有任何形式的政府,这一点基于一个令人惊叹的事实,即通常的犯罪,尤其是谋杀,不仅是它们存在的借口,更是它们存在的唯一理由。如果没有谋杀,我们就将生活在完全的无政府状态中,这实在难以想象。因此,不但不能设法消除谋杀,相反极有必要以智慧和毅力培育谋杀。” …
The Diary of a Chambermaid is a 1900 decadent novel by Octave Mirbeau, published during the Dreyfus Affair. First published in serialized form in L'Écho de Paris from 1891–2, Mirbeau's novel was reworked and polished before appearing in the Dreyfusard journal La Revue Blanche in 1900.
Le Calvaire is a novel written by the French journalist, novelist and playwright Octave Mirbeau, and published by Ollendorff in 1886.
Sébastien Roch is a novel written by the French journalist, novelist and playwright Octave Mirbeau, and published by Charpentier in 1890. Last French edition : L'Age d'Homme, 2011. English translation : Sébastien Roch, Dedalus, « Empire of the senses », 2000, 266 pages.