image of Oliver Sacks

Oliver Sacks

* July 9, 1933 in United Kingdom
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... Unknown

To many people, hallucinations imply madness, but in fact they are a common part of the human experience. These sensory distortions range from the shimmering zigzags of a visual migraine to powerful visions brought on by fever, injuries, drugs, sensory deprivation, exhaustion, or even grief. Hallucinations doubtless …

... Unknown

The best-selling author of Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, Oliver Sacks is well know as an explorer of the human mind—a neurologist with a gift for complex, insightful portrayals of people and their conditions. However, he is also a card-carrying member of the American Fern Society, and since …

... Unknown

Para a maioria de nós, a enxaqueca é apenas uma forte dor de cabeça que acomete periodicamente certas pessoas. Para Oliver Sacks, ela é muito mais do que isso. É, antes de mais nada, um conjunto extremamente complexo e diversificado de síndromes nas quais a dor de cabeça nem sempre está presente. Além disso, a …

... Unknown

‘Oliver Sacks is a perfect antidote to the anaesthetic of familiarity. His writing turns brains and minds transparent’ Observer How does the brain perceive and interpret information from the eye? And what happens when the process is disrupted? In The Mind’s Eye, Oliver Sacks tells the stories of people who are able to …

... Unknown

Like The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, this is a fascinating voyage into a strange and wonderful land, a provocative meditation on communication, biology, adaptation, and culture. In Seeing Voices, Oliver Sacks turns his attention to the subject of deafness, and the result is a deeply felt portrait of a minority …