Fare Zone 4 er en roman fra 1994 skrevet af Richard Preston. Bogen skildrer begivenheder fra 1967 til 1993 og er autentisk. Mange personer er virkelige, dog er enkelte personer opdigtet.

The Cobra Event is a 1998 thriller novel by Richard Preston describing an attempted bioterrorism attack on the United States. The perpetrator of the attack has genetically engineered a virus, called "Cobra", that fuses the incurable and highly contagious common cold with one of the world's most virulent diseases, …

The Demon in the Freezer is a 2002 non-fiction book on the biological weapon agents smallpox and anthrax and how the American government develops defensive measures against them. It was written by journalist Richard Preston, also author of the best-selling book The Hot Zone, about outbreaks of Ebola virus in Africa …

The Wild Trees: A Story of Passion and Daring is a non-fiction book by Richard Preston about California's coastal redwoods and the recreational climbers who climbed them. It is a narrative-style collection of stories from climbers who pioneered redwood climbing, including botanist Steve Sillett, lichenologist Marie …

First Light: The Search for the Edge of the Universe is a 1987 non-fiction book on astronomy and astronomers by Richard Preston. The title refers to the astronomical term first light, which is when a telescope is first used to take an astronomical image after it has been constructed. First light also refers to the …

In the vein of Jurassic Park, this high conceptthriller follows a group of graduate students lured to Hawaii to work for amysterious biotech company—only to find themselves cast out into the rainforest, with nothing but their scientific expertise and wits to protect them. Aninstant classic, Micro pits nature against …