Now in development for TV!Since 1990, when Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time® burst on the world with its first book, The Eye of the World, readers have been anticipating the final scenes of this extraordinary saga, which has sold over forty million copies in over thirty languages.The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come …

"The final volume of The Wheel of Time, A Memory of Light, was partially written by Robert Jordan before his untimely passing in 2007. Brandon Sanderson was chosen by Jordan's editor - his wife, Harriet McDougal - to complete the final book. The scope and size of the volume was such that it could not be contained in a …

A Crown of Swords is the seventh book of The Wheel of Time fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on May 15, 1996. A Crown of Swords consists of a prologue and 41 chapters.

A káosz ura a hatodik kötete Az Idő Kereke sorozatnak, melyet Robert Jordan amerikai író írt. 1994 októberében jelent meg. Egy prológust, 55 fejezetet, valamint szokatlan módon egy epilógust tartalmaz. A könyvet jelölték 1995-ben a legjobb Fantáziaregény kategóriában Locus Award-ra.

A nagy hajtóvadászat a második kötete Az Idő Kereke sorozatnak, melyet Robert Jordan amerikai író írt. 1990 novemberében jelent meg, később két kötetre bontva. Egy prológust és ötven fejezetet tartalmaz. A történet főhősei az előző kötetben megismert Rand al'Thor, Mat Cauthon, és Perrin Aybara, akik shienari …

The Path of Daggers is the eighth book of The Wheel of Time fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on October 20, 1998. Upon its release, it immediately rose to the #1 position on the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list, making it the first …

A világ szeme az első kötet Az Idő Kereke-sorozatban, melyet az amerikai író, Robert Jordan alkotott. 1990-ben jelent meg a Tor Books kiadásában, hazánkban pedig a Beholder Kiadó jelentette meg először 1998-ban. Első kiadása egy prológust és 53 fejezetet tartalmazott, 2002-ben pedig két kötetre bontott, …

An all-new 120-page Stormlight Archive novella, "Edgedancer," will be the crown jewel of Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection, the first book of short fiction by #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson. The collection will include nine works in all. The first eight are: “The Hope of Elantris” …

Crossroads of Twilight is the tenth book of The Wheel of Time fantasy series written by American author Robert Jordan. It was published by Tor Books and released on January 7, 2003. Upon its release, it immediately rose to the #1 position on the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list, making it the third …