An Amazon Best Book of the Month, September 2013: What ever happened to Danny Torrance? For the 36 years since The Shining was first published, the answer has been left to our imaginations. Finally we catch up with Dan as his creator envisions him: a flawed middle-aged man with a tragic past -- his special gift, …
Dolores je román, psychologický triler od amerického spisovateľa Stephena Kinga z roku 1992. Kniha Dolores znamená mierny odklon od ostatnej Kingovej tvorby. Nejedná sa o horor v pravom slova zmysle, je to skôr zmes fantasy, sci-fi a trileru; zároveň ide o životopisno-autobiografický román. Jej témou je utrpenie na …
Dreamcatcher is a science fiction novel written by Stephen King. It was adapted into a 2003 film of the same name. The book, written in cursive, helped the author recuperate from a 1999 car accident, and was completed in half a year. According to the author in his afterword, the working title was Cancer. His wife, …