『キャッツ - ポッサムおじさんの猫とつき合う法』は、イギリスの詩人T・S・エリオットによる詩集である。ポッサムおじさんとは、エズラ・パウンドが彼につけたあだ名であり、それにちなんでタイトルがつけられた。

After sitting through T.S. Eliot's reading of "The Waste Land," listeners may be inclined to hang up the earphones for a spell. There are no flaws to Eliot's steady-toned interpretation; in fact, his delivery is quite remarkable in its ability to match the poem's constant, somber mood. It's just that 25-plus minutes …

Four Quartets is a set of four poems written by T. S. Eliot that were published individually over a six-year period. The first poem, Burnt Norton, was written and published with a collection of his early works following the production of Eliot's play Murder in the Cathedral. After a few years, Eliot composed the other …

DigiCat Publishing presents to you this special edition of "Murder in the Cathedral" by T. S. Eliot. DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Every DigiCat book has been carefully reproduced for republishing in a new modern format. The books are available in print, as well as …