Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers or Net Force Explorers is a series of young adult novels created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik as a spin-off of the military fiction series Tom Clancy's Net Force.
Red Rabbit is a New York Times bestselling novel by Tom Clancy. It incorporates the 1981 plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II. The abridged book on CD released in 2002 was read by Dennis Boutsikaris. The unabridged book on CD released in 2002 was read by Derrick Hagon.
SSN is a novel created by Tom Clancy and Martin Greenberg following the missions of the U.S. Navy nuclear attack submarine USS Cheyenne during a fictional war with China over the Spratly Islands, based on the video game of the same name. A loosely connected collection of "scenario" chapters in support of the eponymous …