image of Γουίτλι Στρίμπερ

Γουίτλι Στρίμπερ

... Unknown

The Wolfen is the debut novel of Whitley Strieber. It tells the story of two police detectives in New York City who are involved in the investigation of suspicious deaths across the city, which are revealed to be the work of a race of intelligent beings descended from wolves, called the Wolfen. The novel is told from …

... Unknown

Explores the assertion that there are intelligent nonhuman life forms trying to communicate with earthlings and to send word of the unexplored potential of our planet

... Unknown
... Unknown

Warday is a novel by Whitley Strieber and James Kunetka, first published in 1984. It is an account of the authors traveling across America five years after a limited nuclear attack in order to assess how the nation had changed after the war. The novel takes the form of a research article and is written in first-person …

... Unknown