Timon of Athens is a bitterly intriguing study of a fabulously rich man who wastes his wealth on his friends, and, when he is finally impoverished, learns to despise humanity with a hatred that drives him to his grave. This edition offers an up-to-date commentary on the play that is more detailed and more thorough …
Titus Andronicus je ďalšou z radu rímskych tragédií z pera alžbetínskeho dramatika Williama Shakespearea. Jej vznik sa predpokladá pred rokom 1594. Hra zobrazuje fiktívneho rímskeho generála Tita Andronica a jeho boj s Tamorou, gótskou kráľovnou. Hra je považovaná za Shakespearovu najkrvavejšiu tragédiu, inšpirovanú …