Loupežníci je divadelní hra Friedricha Schillera. Hra měla premiéru 13. ledna 1782 v Mannheimu v Německu. Hra vznikala tři roky. Základním motivem je spor dvou bratrů o dívku na pozadí historických událostí v českých lesích. Má hluboký politický podtext, proto s ní měl Schiller ve Wittenberku problémy. V myšlenkách se …
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) was a German poet, philosopher, historian, and dramatist. Schiller wrote many philosophical papers on ethics and aesthetics. He developed the concept of the Schöne Seele (beautiful soul), a human being whose emotions have been educated by his reason, so that Pflicht …
Schiller's grand historical tragedy is a battle of wits between Mary Queen of Scots and her captor, Queen Elizabeth I.Mary has been held prisoner for nineteen years by her cousin, Elizabeth I, who has condemned her to death, but is reluctant to be seen to carry out the sentence. Leicester, Elizabeth's favorite and …