La scoperta del cielo è un romanzo dello scrittore olandese Harry Mulisch, pubblicato in originale nel 1992, in Italia nel 2002 edito da Rizzoli. Considerato dall'autore il proprio magnum opus, l'opera narra le singolari storie di alcune persone coivolte a loro insaputa nella realizzazione di un complesso piano, …

Internationally renowned novelist Harry Mulisch's The Procedure is a haunting and fascinating novel about two men who try to create life but fail. In the late sixteenth century, Rabbi Jehudah Löw, in order to guarantee the safety of the Jews in Prague, creates a golem by following a procedure outlined in a …

The trial of Adolf Eichmann began in 1961 under a deceptively simple label, "criminal case 40/61." Hannah Arendt covered the trial for the New Yorker magazine and recorded her observations in Eichmann in Jerusalem: The Banality of Evil. Harry Mulisch was also assigned to cover the trial for a Dutch news weekly. Arendt …