Quo vadis?, opera letteraria dello scrittore polacco Henryk Sienkiewicz, è un romanzo storico pubblicato dapprima a puntate nel 1894 sulla Gazzetta Polacca e quindi raccolto in un unico volume nel 1896, portò a livello internazionale la fama dell'autore, che per questo divenne Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1905. …

With Fire and Sword is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1884. It is the first volume of a series known to Poles as The Trilogy, followed by The Deluge and Fire in the Steppe. The novel has been adapted as a film several times, most recently in 1999. With Fire and Sword is a …

I cavalieri della Croce è un romanzo storico scritto dal premio Nobel per la letteratura polacco Henryk Sienkiewicz nel 1900. Il romanzo uscì inizialmente a puntate sulla rivista Tygodnik Illustrowany dal 1897 al 1899 e venne pubblicato per intero in prima edizione nel 1900 e fu immediatamente tradotto in lingua …

Fire in the Steppe is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1888. It is the third volume in a series known to Poles as "The Trilogy", being preceded by With Fire and Sword and The Deluge. The novel's protagonist is Michał Wołodyjowski.

In Desert and Wilderness is a popular young adult novel by Polish author and Nobel Prize-winning novelist Henryk Sienkiewicz, written in 1912. It is the author's only novel written for children/teenagers. In Desert and Wilderness tells the story of two young friends, Staś Tarkowski and Nel Rawlison, kidnapped by …

The Deluge is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1886. It is the second volume of a three-volume series known to Poles as "The Trilogy," having been preceded by With Fire and Sword and followed by Fire in the Steppe. The novel tells a story of a fictional Polish-Lithuanian …

With Fire and Sword is a historical novel by the Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz, published in 1884. It is the first volume of a series known to Poles as The Trilogy, followed by The Deluge and Fire in the Steppe. The novel has been adapted as a film several times, most recently in 1999. With Fire and Sword is a …